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Simple Moving Averange


(sma len symbol options?)
(sma len data)


The sma function calculates the Simple Moving Average (SMA) for a given symbol over a specified period. The function can also be applied directly to an array of numerical data to calculate the SMA. The SMA is a widely used technical indicator that smooths out price data by creating a constantly updated average price.


The sma function returns a single SMA value by default. If the rolling option is specified, it returns an array of SMA values for the specified rolling period.


  • len: The length of the period over which to calculate the SMA.
  • symbol: The symbol for which to calculate the SMA.
  • options? (optional): An object with the following optional properties:
    • rolling: The number of days for which to return the SMA values. If specified, an array of SMA values is returned.
    • offset: The number of days ago to start the calculation. Default is 0 (current day).
    • prop: The property of the data to use for calculation. Default is 'close'. This option is only applicable when using with symbol.


Using symbol and length

;; Calculate the 21-day SMA for AAPL
(sma 21 "AAPL")
;;=> 150.5 (example value)
;; Calculate the 21-day SMA for AAPL, 5 days ago
(sma 21 "AAPL" {offset: 5})
;;=> 148.3 (example value)
;; Calculate the 21-day SMA for AAPL with a rolling period of 3 days
(sma 21 "AAPL" {rolling: 3})
;;=> [149.5, 150.0, 150.5] (example values)

Using Data:

;; Calculate the SMA for an array of numbers with default options
(sma 5 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
;;=> 3.0 (example value)
;; Calculate the SMA for an array of numbers with a rolling period of 2
(sma 5 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] {rolling: 2})
;;=> [2.5, 3.5] (example values)


  • The sma function is a fundamental tool in technical analysis, providing insight into market trends by smoothing out price fluctuations.
  • When using the rolling option, the returned array of SMA values can help in analyzing recent price movements and detecting short-term trends.
  • The offset option is useful for backtesting strategies and analyzing historical data by calculating the SMA from a specific point in time.