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(highest len symbol options?)
(highest len data options?)


The highest function calculates the highest value over a specified period for a given symbol or array of numerical data. It identifies the maximum value within the specified length of time. By default, it uses the closing price, but you can specify a different property using the prop option.


The highest function returns a single highest value by default. If the rolling option is specified, it returns an array of highest values for the specified rolling period.


  • len: The length of the period over which to calculate the highest value.
  • symbol or data: Either the symbol for which to calculate the highest value or an array of numerical data.
  • options? (optional): An object with the following optional properties:
    • rolling: The number of days for which to return the highest values. If specified, an array of highest values is returned.
    • offset: The number of days ago to start the calculation. Default is 0 (current day).
    • prop: The property of the data to use for calculation. Default is 'close'. This option is only applicable when using with symbol.


Using with Symbol and Length

;; Calculate the highest closing price for AAPL over the last 30 days
(highest 30 "AAPL")
;;=> 155.2 (example value)
;; Calculate the highest high price for AAPL over the last 30 days
(highest 30 "AAPL" {prop: 'high'})
;;=> 158.7 (example value)

Using with Data Array

;; Calculate the highest value for an array of numbers with a length of 5 (data is the last 5 days)
(highest 5 [150, 152, 155, 154, 158])
;;=> 158 (example value)

Use Cases

Identifying Peaks in Price Data:

;; Calculate the highest closing price for AAPL over the last 30 days
(def highestPrice (highest 30 "AAPL"))
;; Use the highest closing price value in a trading strategy
(if (< (:close {AAPL}) highestPrice)
(buy {AAPL} 10)
(sell {AAPL} 10)

Setting Stop Loss Levels Based on High Price:

;; Calculate the highest high price for GOOGL over the last 20 days
(def highestHighPrice20Days (highest 20 "GOOGL" {prop: 'high'}))
;; Use the highest high price value to set stop loss levels
(if (< (:close {GOOGL}) (* 0.95 highestHighPrice20Days))
(sell {GOOGL} 5)
(print "Hold position")


  • The highest function is commonly used in technical analysis to identify peaks in price data and set stop loss levels.
  • By specifying a different property, such as high price, traders can analyze different aspects of price movements and make informed trading decisions.
  • Traders often use the highest value in conjunction with other indicators to manage risk effectively and optimize trading strategies.